I am a youth pastor and a car guy I love God and my wife and 2 rad sons.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

will this work?

So im going to try it!
On one hand i need to do beter than darrell who updates often but i cant do worse than chriss who has decided he is too cool to keep anyone of his old friends in the loop! he never has updated his. than there is jeff..................................sigh.
I wonder what iI will wright about? Probibly cars, in my awsome task of converting the world away from chev. Its funny that right now someone is contiplating wrighting a responce to that last coment saying how wrong i am because they think chev is good! they will use words like corvette ($100.000.00 So who cares) and chev truckes (not backed up by anyone they just like them) and will not respond to the #1 best selling car, the malibu........ developed in the late 60's But thats ok it just gives us the chance to buy new 60 technology instead of having to fix old!! Good job chev! Anyhoo........ I degress. Maby i will talk about my cars both old and new Right now I have an 1984 f150 It runs good and Troy never mocks me, a 1991 Honda accord For sale a good car but I have too many 1997 ford mustang sole purpose on this planit is to make chev people mad about owning slow cars! and my wife has a 2000 dodge durango I love it but make no mistake it aint mine!
Perhaps I will talk about school....................................maby not!
I might talk about church and my job (a youth pastor at RockPointe church) and I might talk about the youth groop and the people in it but I dont want this to become a report.

I more want this to be the insesent ramblings of my mind and the outlet for my creative juses............oops they leaked! well let me know if you read this and also if you like this or not ......... whatever


Blogger Papa Scott said...

Is the Honda rear wheel drive?

1:14 PM


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