I am a youth pastor and a car guy I love God and my wife and 2 rad sons.

Friday, November 24, 2006

consperisys and bad spelling abound!

the sterio in my truck has a demo mode that makes it flash coloures it has 9 or 10 diffrent coloures that it cycles through. it is everything from white to all the colours in the box of crayons! its kinda cool if not a little distracting. I picked my boy up from my sister and brother-in-laws place after work on wed, and thought my son might like if i turned on the colour show. he did! what i had not planed on was him assigning names to all the colours. he would assign blue to Eleyanna (my family dosrnt like easy to spell names! never gonna have a Bob in the family) and red to Darrell. Mandy had a dark grey (almost black) and Daddy had........ PURPLE!!


Blogger Lorraine M said...

too funny......
does that sterio play.....


10:06 PM

Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

your boy knows you!!!

11:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

P-dub is SO cute. Fascinating kid :)

12:51 PM

Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

you're so consumed with your school and your family that you don't even have time for what's important in life - BLOGging. I'm so disappointed in you.

4:03 PM


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