take that rogers
i don't actually like cell phones. oh, i like the convenience of having a phone with me all the time, the camera is nice, i have a blackberry so i do much of my email over the phone i have my calender with me at all times. i like having msn on my phone as well as it being very handy to have facebook in my pocket all the time. teens don't like email so facebook works great. i like having gps in my pocket just in case my awesome sense of direction fails, and if everything goes wrong, i can just buy a new whatever on ebay with the internet that is on my phone at all times. i have as much capacity for music as i care to purchase (mini sd card)my video camera has a flash so i have a flashlight in my pocket. twitter annoys me so i guess that is good and my space is dead but still available on my phone.
here is my problem
stupid battery's stupid stop stupid taking a stupid charge and they need to be replaced.now i don't like paying for anything after i buy the phone, i would rather just upgrade the phone when my contract is up. you are able to get upgraded each year at rogers
BUT HERES THE THING, RODGERS went and changed my plan with out my knowing it. (they cant do that ..... yea but they did so simmer down) now i am only due for upgrade every 2 years.
my battery is not holding a charge very well so i went and bought one off a battery depot in Ontario off ebay and got it for 10 bucks instead of the 60 Rodgers wants.
stupid chev
Yeah...Well my car insurance is cheaper than yours.
9:56 PM
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