I am a youth pastor and a car guy I love God and my wife and 2 rad sons.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


first off, sorry Char. I know this is a long time in coming but it is now here. here is my update

about 3 weeks ago i decided to leave my job at Canadian tire and take a job that would take me out of town every day and would probably require me to have passengers. my wife, son, and I would also need to fit in it for short trips. i will at this time take a moment to tell you about the vehicular situation i found myself in .

#1 S10 hot rod (not running at this time)

#2 Mustang hot rod (only driven on special occasions)

#3 Durango (Mandy's truck used for Peter William)

#4 Nancy (Grand Marquis)(awesome for everything but costing $100.00 a WEEK in gas)

#5 Ford pickup (standard and only holds 2)

it was apparent at this time that some changes were required. I spoke to Mandy and she agreed that we were needing to do something. She also said (in so many words) that she was fine with whatever i chose and she trusts me. so i went to work scheming up a way to get another car that is dead reliable, automatic, big enough for a car seat and 2 adults but still get retarded good fuel millage. Now this isn't a problem if you have some money to buy a car but this was not the case with us. 2 semesters of school plus living in Calgary put us at the 0 to less category for car cash. we are doing fine but don't have much extra and i use what little we do have to pay off the people who keep me safe from the evil bubbles in my bathtub. (random fart joke for Becky) I had a small plan that might just work. What if i sold my truck and the Grand Marquis, take the money, convince a girl who absolutely does not want to sell her car to sell me her car, and fix it and drive it! and that's what I did.

to date i have replaced the drive axle, fixed the brakes, drained and filled the transmission twice (long, stupid story) fixed the rear locking cylinder, installed a new stereo, gave it an oil change, basic tune up and cleaned the heck out of it. i got $1700.00 for all the cars and i have now spent $1200.00 on the car including purchase price (also millions of hrs with labour) i still need to put on a new muffler and get an alignment. then it will be a dead reliable, automatic, big enough for a car seat and 2 adults but still get retarded good fuel millage, car.

Also the name is Brutus and it is a honkin Firefly!


how the mighty have fallen.
PS. my car is white with different hubcaps. they still suck but the hubcaps are different!


Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

PRINCESS TINKLEPOT! So it was written, so it shall be.

8:39 AM

Blogger Monty P said...

Yes, I've heard about princess tinklepot. I mean, how can you name a firefly "Brutus"? It's like naming a chihuahua "Killer" or "Rocky." Some things just don't work! I look forward to driving it though. How the mighty have fallen indeed. :)

2:27 PM


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