I am a youth pastor and a car guy I love God and my wife and 2 rad sons.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

just in case you were wondering!

My Theology of Youth Ministry
By Peter Ralph

Today’s Youth are faced with enormous challenges and decisions. The decisions they make must be well thought out and weighed with an adult maturity. In a very short time, Youth must go from a childish nature to an adult nature. For the first time in their lives they are making life-altering decisions. Within the context of these decisions are the topics of faith, Godliness, baptism, evangelism, service, devotional life, life goals, purpose and calling, as well as a plethora of others. In my opinion, at no other point in a person’s life will they be confronted with as many life and future altering decisions as in their adolescence.
The place of the Church and therefore the Youth ministry team is one of a resource for Youth, parents and caregivers. The goal of the church should be to assist in facilitating Youth, parents and caregivers in supporting the Youth to make wise godly decisions. In order to facilitate for these people, first a trusting relationship must be created between the ministries in the church and the Youth and their support systems. Without a trusting relationship such as this, what is said by the Youth ministry may lack credibility. Good relationships are built through many different methods that have one thing in common. As our Christ as our example showed, clarity in communication is key in order to have a meaningful relationship with others (Matthew 5). The method which ties into my theology will be first and foremost being truthful in who I present myself to be, what my goals are for the Youth ministry as a whole and whom I serve. I believe an open door policy both at the church and in my home is a powerful method for people to get to know me personally.
Parents are integral and crucial to any Youth ministry. They play many roles, not the least of which being prayer support. I believe prayer to be a vital tool for any ministry. On this point I will not waver. Prayer needs to completely surround the ministry and the people within it. I believe a lack of prayer to be an unwise way in which to go about ministry.
Parents have insight into Youths’ lives. As a result of this, parents have much to say that is beneficial in gauging where Youth are in their decision making processes and internal maturity. The other side of this is that realizing the growing independence of the Youth, permission must be given by the youth for the parent to be involved in an official capacity. In every aspect of the Youth ministry’s relationship with parents and caregivers, communication is key. Therefore every effort must be made to ensure obvious and clear lines of communication between the Youth ministry team, the Youth and their caregivers.
Because parents and caregivers entrust the Youth ministry team with their most precious treasures, their Youth, we must be relentless in our insurance of the Youths’ safety. As a result of this, I believe Plan to Protect is a crucial part of ensuring the safety of the Youth. Any sponsor must be forthcoming and honest with their personal circumstances and legal past in order to ensure the physical and emotional safety of the Youth (1 Timothy 3:1-3).
If youth ministry depends solely on the Youth pastor, then success of that ministry is unlikely at best. Jesus taught the Church to delegate and modeled this with his disciples (Acts 6:1-3). Volunteer Youth leaders offer a most precious gift, time. This is not something to be taken lightly. These people will likely have jobs and lives outside of the Church yet they have chosen to follow Christ’s example to serve. This must not be taken for granted. Volunteer Youth leaders need to be ministered to by the Youth ministry as they minister to the Youth. The Youth ministry must show appreciation to the volunteer Youth leaders on a regular basis. The volunteer Youth leaders must also have a safe place in which to voice concerns and hurts as well as make suggestions for ministry direction. Effort must be made to ensure volunteer Youth leaders feel listened to and valued. Without this the health of the Youth ministry team as a whole will suffer.
My dream for any Youth is to see these men and women of God mature, take ownership of their faith and put Christ as Lord of their life. I believe service to the body of Christ to be a vital maturity step and a natural step for those deeply committed to their faith. My desire is for Youth to become servants and within that to become evangelistic, not out of obligation but out of desire and passion. It is important for the Youth ministry team to not only nourish the Youth within our church but also to look outward to the broader community to seek those who do not know Christ and be their witness to Christ’s love in the world. My prayer for any Youth group is that the aroma of Christ’s love will be so apparent it cannot be denied nor could it be mistaken for anything else. When people walk through the doors of the church, they will be greeted and welcomed by believers from who God’s love is emanating.
Youth are not only the future of our country but also of the Church. As a result of this, our goal should be helping these Youth make Godly decisions and discern God’s will for their lives. No matter where God leads them, they are a vital part of the continuing ministry of God’s Church in the world.


Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

but what are you going to do on a friday night?

6:36 PM

Blogger Monty P said...

Nothing in there to be argued with!

I think the biggest aspect of all of these that God has been showing me of late is the need for prayer. Not that I have failed to pray in the past, but God has been moving it up in my priority list, and it has been receiving a lot of my time lately.

11:46 AM


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