So, as per Charlotte’s request, this is a story about how I got new speakers to put in the S10. Mandy and I were out one afternoon going to buy me some jeans, when we were suddenly overcome with an uncontrollable urge to follow the orange signs that proclaimed, “HUGE garage sale in such and such community center. Admit ion free. As my wife and I walked in we saw that the size of the sale is greatly overrated but it still demanded a look. So as my wife and I walked around we saw a ton of normal garage sale stuff that we didn’t want and the people wanting to sell it wanted to get way to much money. You just kinda walk around and smile at people while staying far enough away that if people ask if they can show you something you can look at them in a manor that says, “Oh, I didn’t know there was anyone behind this table and as such did not see you there for it wont be rude to not answer and walk away rapidly!” (If anyone out there wants me to believe that they have never done that … well I just don’t!) anyhoo I found a table that was not manned, and it had a set of automotive speakers. These were the size that the S10 takes and might just be the thing to finish up the interior! So I walk over and pick up a speaker. I’m checking it to see if it has any life left in it and I see a middle age man hurrying over to me. I had already decided that they were too old and probably too much money, I tried to leave before he got to me, I swear I did, but he out speeded me. It’s kinda like when you see the lady at Superstore trying to get you to sign-up to Presidents choice financial, and you realize you can’t not talk to her. It’s a sinking feeling. Anyway he comes over to me and says “it’s nice to see someone who knows what he is looking at!” then he asked me to make an offer. This is a request that I hate. You either insult him with too low an offer or you get soaked. In my case I actually didn’t want to give him any money for the speakers. There were too many unknowns. Were they blown? Did they even work? This is info you need, so I said “I am not interested”. He said they were only $30 this is WAY too much money so I repeated my statement that I was not interested. He asked me if the price was too high and I said that it probably was too much so he yelled to my walking away back, well then how about $15? I turned around and said “honestly dude, they aren’t for me! I just wanted him to quit talking about the speakers. I was trying to leave. He then shouted at me from across the room, “would you just take them then?” he was actual desperate sounding, so I said “Sure” picked them up and took them home. The best part of this story is that they sound like brand new speakers! They fit and sound great!!
So there you go Char, how was that?
I Bought a new steering wheel for the truck. It is out of a 93 GMC camper van. It looks good and I will post pics soon. I also got some seats for it as well as an intermittent switch for the wipers. It’s too hot to install this stuff yet but I will soon. I’m going to bed now. Night!
Wow this sounds like it is going to turn out to be a pretty cool truck. You are going to be very happy to drive such a beast. PS I will get you a fan ASAP.
11:52 PM
junkyards are fun. i'm amused that you actually took off two seperate steering wheels and tried a third before you finally found one you wanted.
10:51 PM
I laugh every time I hear, think about or read that story! It's a quintessential "Peter" moment!
2:00 PM
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