I am a youth pastor and a car guy I love God and my wife and 2 rad sons.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

twenty nine ................. whodathunk it.

i am kinda wondering what those who are older than me think of this one ....... i am actually struggling with my age! i don't like 29. this is a much bigger deal than i ever thought it would be. i am not a person who is prone to vanity. i am not prone to long for youth cuz i work with youth and it is a hard time in life.i see the struggles all the time. i don't want to go back. don't evin get me started on high school. this isn't a longing for my past rather a discontent in my present. i don't look for approval from peers and i do value the wisdom that comes with age but durnit if i aint bothered by 29. 29 means 30 in the same way that $29.99 means $30.00
most of my teens were 3 when i entered college. they were 7 when my newest vehicle was built, when dc talk put out nu thang, most of there parents had not even met. these teens don't remember 9-11. most of them were 4. all of this shows me how much of an age gap there is. i am actually bothered by being 29. it is way too close to 30 and way to far from "yay, i am in my 20's now! everyone will take me seriously now!" (kinda not what happened)
what was your experience? how was 29?

took me 3 tries to put this one on proverbial paper


Blogger Papa Scott said...

It sucked for me too. I felt the same way.

Just to let you know you could also say that you are 30 already. Your 29th birthday is actually a celebration of COMPLETING 29 years that means that you are actually already in your 30th year of life.

Does that make you feel better?

It didn't work for mom when I gave her the same argument when she turned 49. I think she hit me but the whole day is a little fuzzy now.

6:18 AM

Blogger Monty P said...

29 hasn't really bothered me, but I have no hair left so I've been dealing with the whole aging issue for a lot of years. I joking in how I say that, but I'm also serious. It strikes me as weird sometimes, but I can't honestly say I'm struggling with it (watch, now I'll go home and lie awake all night contemplating my mortality. Darn you, Pete!)

In all honesty (and this is going to set me up for all sorts of "super-spiritual" shots), I've always thought that there was no panic to "achieve" anything ministry-wise (or in life at all!) until I was 30 because Jesus didn't start his ministry until he was 30. I think I'll struggle a lot more with it as I get into my later 30s than I have so far, but there are still moments.

Bah. Maybe those who die young are actually blessed....

3:46 PM

Blogger Monty P said...

By the way, I was looking at your pictures, and I think that Darrian has the exact same Spider-Man shirt as Peter William.

3:47 PM


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