I am a youth pastor and a car guy I love God and my wife and 2 rad sons.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

i hurt my knee. i was sitting on a greyhound bus and twisted it when i was heading to youth quake in carenport. Now my knee hurts. YQ is an interesting event in that there biggest draw (big bands) has been drooped in favour of more spiritual content. this is a great move (as far as i am concerned) but the layout of the conference seems ultimately defeating in my opinion. the choices were #1 go to an profound service with rock solid teaching and good (although sometimes messy) worship. with a place for solitude and a short time for reflection (far to short but the stage was needed shortly after each event) ..................... or you could go to some rock climbing walls, non stop free go carts, a free 24 hr eatery, 2 different comedy groups and a great magician! guess what people picked. even though the intent of the quake was for spiritual content (in part anyway) it was defeated by something that the powers that be, must have known would happen. it almost seemed like they were embarrassed by the God stuff and wanted people to chose it so they could pin the ineffectiveness of YQ. on a persons choice and not on the conference its self. am i being to harsh? it was a difficult conference to justify spending cash on. next year we will do something else. also i hurt my knee


Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

Hurt knee, sucks.
Conference that tries to say it is spiritual, but ultimately does not give much space for that spirituality, that is even worse.
Ah well, at least you have your passport.

3:53 AM


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