I am a youth pastor and a car guy I love God and my wife and 2 rad sons.

Friday, August 25, 2006


why is it that i am up at 2:02 am on friday morning. where is the need to sleep? i guess it is here but still i stay up. what could the reason posibily be?
sometimes when i stay up i watch a movie. not today. sometimes when i stay up i watch tv. it is on tonight but i am not really watching it. sometimes when i stay up i do laundry. nope, not this time. sometimes when i stay up i work in the garage. not even a thought tonight.
tomorow i work at the church. i am hoping that it is raining cuz i like driving in rain. it is quieting for me. not for everyone i understand, but for me it is. there is something about the sound. i dig it. i also love the quiet of a late night or early morning just after or perhaps durring a snow fall when your tires make that deckadent crunching sound. i love it.
we filled up a 12 foot tall beachball and put it in the back of my pickup on wednsday. i will post a pic here. it was fun. the pic is with the ball only half full. we couldent fill it anymore because it wouldent have fit out the doors of the church. even at half size it was huge. i dug it. then we played in the rain with it. then we inflated it to full size in my bosses office. we turned it so he couldent get at the fill valve. this means that he had to figure out how to get in the office with absolutly no room. it was fun. then he fired me.
tonight we had home made pizza. so good.
these must be the reasons i am up at 2:17 am on friday.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Rachel should update!

K so I know its been awhile. I am sorry to Darrell, Charlotte, Rachel, sometimes Scott, and rarely Chris. These are the people I know of that check this blog on a very regular bases. Thanks to them for that. This has been a busy time for Mandy and I. we have been doing the company thing witch has been fun, we have had a pile of youth stuff that needed planning and pulling off. This affects me more than Mandy but I am not at the house and she takes care of PDub! I married such a cool girl. We are doing contract talks with the church and also I have done my beloved yearly camping trip with my B.F.D.M.’s (brothers from different mothers} I have neglected the S10 for about one month as well as had some time to drive my mustang. I am tense but still happy. Life is good. Did you know that gage is an optional spelling for gauge? I didn’t know that but the dictionary says so. Cool huh!
Yesterday we spent from 10am to 7pm at Callaway park in Calgary. We went with a pile of youth and road the rides 100 times each. Almost everyone got a little queasy by the end with only Anthony Olson (a fellow youth Pastor) seeming to have truly asbestos insides. It was fun. I found out some more about a very promising young youth sponsor, and her family. I had bad hamburgers and some odd desert stuff called dipin dots. All in all it was a very good night. When it was all done Darrell Ulriksen and I met with his brother Jeff at my brother-in-law’s house and watched a movie. Then Darrell got a job. (I am sure he will blog about it so I don’t have to. Go click on his link) other than that there is way too much going on for me to even want to attempt to write about. Again sorry about the wait!