My wife and I are sitting downstairs watching the Survivor finale. the blonde girl has her chance to ask her question/accuse the last two standing. We are 2 hours into a 3 hour program. This truly is an excellent way to spend a Sunday. (I also had a 2 hour snooze) The doorbell rings. This always happens. I am totally into relaxing and now I'm going to miss a large part of my show. Oh well, perhaps God is trying to teach me something. MY wife moves for the door. She has one hand on the dog's collar and the other hand on the door handle and she calls me to the door. I quickly button up my shirt which has been unbuttoned for proper Survivor watching etiquette. I get to the door and you're not going to believe who's there. A one legged, this time sober, man who I last saw on January 24. This is the hit and hop bandit. He is standing in front of my house looking scared and says to me. "I would like to apologize for wrecking your truck. I hope I didn't put you out too badly." I welcome him into the house and he came in with his hand out and I asked him how he was doing. He said he was doing better. He said he was "pretty messed up back then". He wanted to apologise to me for any hassle he may have caused and I assured him that we were OK. He told me how hard it was for him to come to the door and how long it took him to get the courage. I assured him we had no bad blood between us and that if he ever saw me on the street stop by and say hi. I asked him his name and he said Jim. I again shook his hand and he left. This reminded me of 10 years ago when I had a Mustang get badly vandalized, ultimately fixed and sold and about 6 months later I get a phone call from the youth pastor at the church Mandy and I attended saying that a person has admitted to trashing my car and would like to meet with me. Bazaar yet strangely not uncommon, at least in my world.
i am currently praying that i will be able to have a friendship with Jim.