it is cold outside and snowy. it was so warm for the last 2 days that we were living in a wet, slushy, dirty mess. i have a jeep so it was fun. lots of mud to get dirty in and then big puddles to wash it off. i enjoyed the spring jacket weather and the bright sunshine. i think i am in part solar powered so the season change is excellent. we have picked up the winters dog poop in the backyard and i have begun to take
trailer loads of construction garbage and recycling to there new homes. it has just been too cold to do it so far so we have left it sit. but the backyard is
beginning to look
decent now. the lawns scars left from digging trenches for the garage power, are
beginning to appear, the ground around the new garage is mucky and soft, the
gravel in front of the garage is so soft it swallows up tires. this will all harden when the water evaporates. until then it is very soft. shoe eating soft. the fore or five layers of sawdust that was left on the ground and then snowed on, have appeared one at a time. the backyard is
beginning to get clean! it is
beginning to become a
respectable place to relax. it is
beginning to look like a backyard. i tell you all of this so that you can understand my feelings this morning when i woke up and looked out the window. it had snowed lightly all night and had left a layer of
perfect white icing. i was both
disappointed and pleased. it was both to cold and snowy, and also
perfect clean. it looked kinda nice. If i was Rob (who will never read this) or
Chris (who thinks he is too cool to read this)(bald and drives a silver
Chev, yea
that's cool) i would make a
connection to heart issues like God wiping your sin away or being clean as snow! But i wont. instead i will say this.
go clean up the dog poop.