I am a youth pastor and a car guy I love God and my wife and 2 rad sons.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Scotty as promised

So as promised, here is the story of the hard boiled egg. I am a person who enjoys an egg salad sandwich. I have been known in the past to boil 6 or 7 eggs and eat nothing but egg salad sandwiches for the entire day. Some of you may find this gross, but it’s my story so you can just shut up (grin). I used to live with a guy by the name of Scott Ulriksen. The link to his blog is available at the top right hand of the screen. Scott and I lived in a basement suite. The layout was in the back door, down a flight of stairs, to the right was my bedroom, to the left was the bathroom and Scott’s room. This house had the distinction of being heated with a boiler (having no idea of the cost of such things, if I ever build a house, I would like to have a boiler in it). This house had three areas in which heat was distributed. One in each bedroom and one in the living room immediately across from the staircase. Immediately beside the staircase was the kitchen.
Scott was working framing houses at this time which meant he was up quite early and would tend to have a snooze in mid afternoon. I was currently looking for work and therefore this meant I spent most of my time at home watching TV. My then girlfriend, now wife, lived in Saskatoon. I had decided that for lunch on that particular day I would have an egg salad sandwich. I began boiling three eggs in a pot in the kitchen. Shortly after putting the eggs on to boil, I received a phone call from my father asking me to come help him with some car related activity. Cars being something sacred to me, I of course went, helped my father and returned home to find that I had boiled the eggs dry and burned them to a crisp. And as anyone who has ever burnt an egg can attest, the stench emanating from a kitchen was 100% worse than secreted rat puss.
Regina, SK in January has been known to reach temperatures slightly below the freezing point. If memory serves, (and it does), on this particular day, we were well below -40’. In order to facilitate the removal of the stench left behind by thoroughly charred eggs, (I had to throw out the pot as well) I opened the kitchen window and the window in the living room which was in a direct line with the one in the kitchen. This created a stiff wind which my hope was would remove the smell from the kitchen. Scott, oblivious to all of this, lounged in bed with the luxury only afforded to a person who is in love with a redheaded girl who wants nothing to do with him (this was a long and tearful story). Here’s where the story gets funny.
My buxom blonde girlfriend called me and said that she was in town for a short while and wondered if I was free for lunch. I, having recently developed the lack of lunch plans (no pot and out of eggs), thought this was a wonderful idea. I wondered if she was paying and as I grabbed my coat, I mustered all the speed my petit 300lb frame could endure, barreled up the stairs, out the back door, through the backyard and into my Jeep, daring it not to start. It, assessing the situation, deemed my urgency worthy enough for it to grind into life and begin the dangerous task of negotiating the 5ft high unplowed snowy streets of Regina in mid-January (4-wheel drive helps a lot).
I met my future wife for lunch and enjoyed a romantic meal consisting of Burger King Whoppers and Poutine and a diet Coke. She was gracious and paid and I was post-modern and culturally relevant enough to understand whole-heartedly why it was so important to let the woman pay on occasion (flat broke and 300lbs, you do the math). We had a joyous lunch and with tears in our eyes, bid each other a fond farewell until our next rendezvous (if you know my wife, that last sentence ticked her off).
With hearts in my eyes and burgers in my stomach, I climbed back into my Jeep and in a driving style best described as poetic, continued my quest for the perfect mid-afternoon lounge. Upon returning home, I was greeted by an angry, angry man. I was thrown a little off guard by this. Scott’s emotions tend to be best described as Metamucil-consistency so you can imagine my confusion at beating back this small, hairy ball of wrath. Finally securing Scott to an immovable pole with ratchet straps, chains, and an angry dog named Bijou, I asked him (What in the Sam herring stupid dad-blasted of all of the good for nothing world is the matter with you?) with all love in my heart, what was the matter. I found his response less then loving when he seethed my name, entered a spazmatic fit and promptly evacuated any hope of an adult conversation that would meet both of our communication style needs.
He said to me “you left the windows open!” this did not make any sense to me. What was the big deal of me leaving the windows open? Perhaps it got a bit cool. He was closed up in his room under blankets and is world-renowned for being much happier in very cold weather than in even the slightest bit of heat (I recall clearly hundreds of times walking into his bedroom in deep freeze Saskatchewan while he had a fan propped up in his open window blowing the most frigid air directly over the top of his bed so he could sleep at night). You can understand why having windows open anger him would cause me thorough confusion. When Scott finally deemed me worthy of a response, the story I heard was more than I could stand. As a result, has become the stuff of legend and a long time favorite of anyone who has ever heard it.
The story from Scott’s point of view was (and you have to see Scott’s small round, furry body telling this story to get the full impact of his wrath and indignance). Scott had gone to sleep at roughly 11am. The next thing he knew, he was awoken by a great discomfort. The case, as it was, was that the thermostat for the enormous boiler better suited to heat an elementary school than a house, was directly in line with the two open windows. Therefore, the thermostat registered a -40’ interior temperature and kicked the boiler into nuclear winter Armageddon is here mode. The temperature of the air coming out of the radiators would have been sufficient to maintain living hell here on earth. Scott, sound asleep in bed, began to perspire. Scott, being of equal girth as I, is perfectly capable of growing rice paddies on his chest when perspiration is deemed necessary. Therefore, as Scott was sleeping in a state as only one of two bachelors in an apartment can, slimed out of bed and glerped to his door, realizing that if a shower was not immediate, the bouncy little redhead of his dreams would slip from his grasp forever. He opened his door and stepped out into nuclear Saskatchewan winter. Much like a blowfish deflating, turned to solid stone. He rectified the situation by shutting off the boiler, closing some windows and opening others. When his equilibrium had been established, waited at the bottom of the stairs with the patience of a child on Christmas morning or a bachelor after a redhead and planned his savage attack.
This experience has taught me a great many things. Boilers are well worth having, 4-wheel drive is a necessity to get women, one should let the woman pay when she offers, but most importantly, it is quite difficult to contain a slippery, small, hairy ball of anger. By the time you are done, it feels like having been in a fight with a pre-pubescent rhinoceros who has just been embarrassed by its mother in a lingerie store while shopping for its first bra. “last sentence written by Mandy”. Part 2: Scotty’s retaliation is coming. It’s well worth the wait.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Chris thinks he's so hot he dos'nt even have to blog!

Winter's here, and you feel lousy: You're coughing and sneezing; your muscles ache; your nose is an active mucus volcano. These symptoms -- so familiar at this time of year -- can mean only one thing: Tiny fanged snails are eating your brain."

Buying the right computer and getting it to work properly is no more complicated than building a nuclear reactor from wristwatch parts in a darkened room using only your teeth

Cigarette sales would drop to zero overnight if the warning said "CIGARETTES CONTAIN FAT

I now realize that the small hills you see on ski slopes are formed around the bodies of forty-seven-year-olds who tried to learn snowboarding

business long ago gave up on demanding that prospective employees be honest and hardworking. It has even stopped hoping for employees who are educated enough that they can tell the difference between the men's room and the women's room without having little pictures on the doors

"When I purchase a food item at the supermarket, I can be confident that the label will state how much riboflavin is in it. The United States government requires this, and for a good reason, which is: I have no idea. I don't even know what riboflavin is. I do know I eat a lot of it. For example, I often start the day with a hearty Kellogg's strawberry Pop-Tart, which has, according to the label, a riboflavin rating of 10 percent. I assume this means that 10 percent of the Pop-Tart is riboflavin. Maybe it's the red stuff in the middle. Anyway, I'm hoping riboflavin is a good thing; if it turns out that it's a bad thing, like "riboflavin" is the Latin word for "cockroach pus," then I am definitely in trouble

Thursday, February 23, 2006


did I sound bitter?
i should tell you about this year at school! shoooooweeee!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Troy is havin a baby!

If I am at work and I have a computer problem, I find its best to react in this controlled manor.




Wednesday, February 15, 2006

1. See a NASCAR race
2. See the concentration camps of ww2
3. See/meet DC.Talk
4. Go to Australia
5. Buy a NEW mustang
6. Get a tattoo…..maybe
7. Graduate college. STOP LAUGHING!

1. Keep things organized for a prolonged period of time.
2. Understand vegetarians (THERE JUST ANIMALS)
3. Sing worth 2 hoots
4. Endorse Chevy.
5. Keep track of all the places hair grows..
6. Drive a caviler
7. Eat tomatoes

1. All quiet on the western front.
2. Old yeller.
3. Barber shop
4. Star trek (all)
5. Thin red line
6. The aviator.
7. Matrix trilogy

1. "hey HEY
2. "I hate school
3. Oh yea!
4. "wanna party?
5. wikkidcool
6. I want sustenance
7. I got a car for you!

1. I am really kind of... big
2. I am a daddy.
3. I like cars.
4. I like music
5.i hate school.
6. I have a wife.
7. I hate Chevy.

Monday, February 13, 2006


I am a certified klepto. I admit it. I steel items. Actually not items, just item. AND, its all Lorraine fault! See, she gave me my first fix and it has not stopped since then. She gave them to me on Friday and I “used” for the first time later that night and I now have a garadge full. I find them down Calgary back alleys!! Beside dumpsters and old broken wine bottles What you ask am I addicted to????? What do I continually find? What sinister substance did Lorraine get me hooked on? Will detox and a 12 step program help???? The thing of my desire and the item of my sole robbing theft is none other than ……. PALITS! That’s right. The things under items making it possible for a forklift to pick them up and move them. But, see, here is the thing. They are made out of kinda ragidy crap wood so they burn real easy. No one wants old ones so they get tossed out all the time! The broken ones are good for nothing but burning and they are free! So I go and retrieve them in my pickup and cut them up with my circular saw and stack them. they stack real nice cuz they are all the same size, they burn easy cuz they are dry, they are wanted by no one (kinda like a Chevy) and are totally cheep or even free! (nothing like a Chevy) so there you have it. Plaits are the cause of my undoing. Nothing more sinister than that. Thanks Lorraine

just kidding I really dig Lorraine

Saturday, February 11, 2006

i is decouris

So, here is an odd one. It happened tonight (sat) my wife and I got told by some of our peers (both in age and in place in life) that Mandy and I had a “very proper household”!
These people know what I do for a carrier, they know what I do for fun, they even know some of our friends! The best word they could come up with to describe us was proper!! Why? You ask. Here it is. This is why they think we are proper… ahem…
#1 Mandy does not fart in front of me.
#2 I don’t brush my teeth in front of Mandy.
#3 I don’t fart under the covers and pull them up over the head of my wife! (for all you who are sure you will do that when your married, you wont, I don’t care what you say, you wont. Yes I do understand how bad you want to and how long you have planed to do it. Yes I do know you well enough. Yes I do know you think your different than everyone else….. your wrong. You wont. Nope…. Nope….. ummmmmm no!
#4 we don’t poop or tittle in front of each other
There you have it. Do this and you too can be the height of decorum.

Some people are strange

Friday, February 10, 2006

why do i have milk in my boot?

this car is at mandys farm...............................would make a cool hotrod

is my belly showing?

I like all sorts of drinks (I don’t drink alcohol at all) I love pop! I know lots of people don’t, but I do. I love fruit juice. I dig coffee and tea. I love milkshakes, I even have the occasional glass of milk (bout 2 a year)(no kidding) I like some steamers and almost all slurpies I love timms ice caps and lotsa others.
So here is the problem… I had a 7up today at lunch. The magnificent Lorraine Trendiak was shocked!! She didn’t know I liked other drinks than diet Pepsi. So, here is my question…. Why do people drink only 1 or 2 different flavors? There are so many good flavors out there and there is also dr pepper. Try em all

Just saying!

Saturday, February 04, 2006


I got tagged!!!!
Four jobs I've had:
1. marks auto body
2. boriskys buttered block
3. Mr. lube
4. inland audio/visual

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Band of brothers (is a miny series a movie?)
2. anything star trek……………..bring on the trekky jokes
3. Apollo 13
4. thin red line

Four places I've lived:
1. Regina (5 different locations
2. Calgary(2 locations)
3. Vancouver(1)
4. Saskatoon(4 locations)
6.acton(2 locations)

Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Lost (best show on TV)
2. 24 (just finished the 3 season. 2 more to go)
3. anything NASCAR
4. star trek (bring them on!)

Four places I've been on vacation:
1. Ontario
2. jamaca
3. Regina
4. beaver lodge Alberta

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. lasagna
2. ham and scalloped potatoes
3. roast and potatoes
4. homemade deep-fried chicken

Sites I visit daily:
1. Calgary bargain finder
2. Canada auto trader
3. 10 different blogs
4. forsaleforrent.com

Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. my shop
2. junkyard
3. movie
4. at a house with all my friends

P.S. Because they're the only ones I know that read this, I tag Darrell and Scott and Chris and Jeff and Lorraine... go crazy. (honerable mention.. Rachel)