A.B. Simpsons words to us all!
whoda thunk that a 1800s pastor and theologin would be so postmodern!!
"I am reminded of a woman I once met in the course of a pastoral visit and to whom I tried to tell of the love of God to poor sinners. She met me with a blank amazing statement that she did not comprehend what love meant. She had never seen nor felt any such thing. Her life had been a fight for existence. Her hand against everyone, everyone else against her. She was perfectly sincere and responsive but utterly helpless to understand the Gospel. I ceased preaching to her and invited one or two of the tactful women of the church to institute a school of love for her benefit by showing such delicate attentions as won her heart and awakened the lost sense of love. One day she said to me with considerable feeling, "I think I understand now what love means and I will be glad to have you tell me something of the love of God." She became a humble and devoted Christian but she had to receive first the new faculty of love. The reason that many do not enter into the blessed ministry of the cross and the atonement is because our hearts and lives are too selfish to comprehend that sacrifice. If we would live out more fully the spirit of the atonement, we would have fewer doubts about the doctrine."
words of A.B. Simpson